It all started years ago when we saw the plot of land at the end of the village Klenik in Pivka and were mesmerised by the surrounding nature. In 2013, we moved from the city to the countryside to build our own peaceful place.
An event accompanied by uncertainty brought a stop to our regular lives. One evening our friend Andreja ‘struck’ us with an interesting idea connected with bees, apitherapy, and apitourism. It was a challenge accompanied by doubts, but we felt this was ‘the real thing’. It was the turning point, a new beginning. The events which followed became a domino effect. We exited our comfort zone and started the work for real. For us, for our children. In the same year, a vacation house with sauna was added, and at the end of the orchard we set up the apitherapy ecological beehive – our retreat, the therapeutic and meditative corner.
The shaping of ideas and beehive work is for us genuine therapy. The effort strengthens our bodies, our willpower, and spirit. Such work yields us positive energy which soothes the mind, caresses the soul, and eases the body. We merely need to open ourselves to it. Working with the bees is for the two of us a benevolent meditation.